We are so excited to talk to you about our newest educational series at The M Factor Corrective Skincare that is going to be centered around the topic of Acne. We love working with acne clients and helping them understand and treat their acne skin problems.
Acne Topics We Will Be Covering Over The Next Few Months:
Understanding what Acne is
The different types of Acne
What causes Acne
Treating Acne
What Causes Acne?
Basic fact, we all have different skin types and we all react and process things (stress for one) differently. That being said it is a difficult task to pin point exactly what might be causing you to have an occasional pimple or a full-on acne breakout. As we have covered in our previous blogs on this topic it is wise to understand foundationally what type of acne you are experiencing and then move toward internal and external factors that might be triggering it. From there we can work together to create a treatment that best suits your individual needs to address your skincare problems.
Things to consider:
Acne occurs when pores become blocked with oil, acne bacteria, and dead skin cells.
Acne most commonly occurs in adolescence, when children go through puberty.
Hormone changes can affect acne prevalence and frequency.
Certain prescription medications can cause acne breakouts and may worsen a pre-existing acne skin condition.
Genetics may cause some individuals to be more susceptible to acne.
There may be a strain of beneficial acne bacteria that could prove helpful in acne treatment down the road.
Common acne is typically caused by hormonal changes in your body, and its onset usually can be found in teenage years when puberty begins. Acne is directly attributed to the rise of androgen hormone levels. The production of these hormones rise when a child begins puberty, and is the reason much acne is prevalent in adolescence.
Steroids have long been known to cause acne. These drugs are generally taken without a prescription in order to gain muscle, but there are instances in which women are prescribed steroids for rare conditions. Steroids cause hormonal changes, and as the androgen hormones increase, so too does oil production.
Birth Control Pills:
Birth controls can affect hormone levels, and some women may be finding that their birth control is causing acne due to increases in sebum production. This rise in sebum can affect the skin, clogging up pores and leading to acne.
Mental Health Drugs:
Medications prescribed for mental illnesses can have the unfortunate side effect of causing acne. Some antidepressants have been purported to trigger acne breakouts.
Diet and Acne:
You may have been told that what you eat affects your skin and that it can be the cause of pimples and outbreaks, but the debate about diet playing a role in acne frequency still rages on.
Working with Greasy Foods and Acne
One way food has been proven to affect acne is through preparation. Restaurant and fast food employees that come into contact with greasy products and equipment can experience higher rates of acne because oils can attach to the skin and block hair follicles, resulting in pimple formation.
Makeup and Acne
Does makeup cause acne? While wearing makeup can exacerbate acne flare ups, it is not necessarily the case. Some support the fact that that cosmetics can fill up your pores, worsen pimples, and prevent your skin from “breathing”. The truth is, whether or not makeup worsens acne is highly individualized. While excessive use of foundations, concealers, and other cosmetics can work their way into and block up your pores, making sure to clean your face of such products before working out or going to bed lessens the likelihood of makeup blockages.
Stress and Acne:
Stress is not the definitive cause for breakouts, but rather a factor that worsens a previously existing condition. When stress levels are consistently heightened, adrenal glands signal the production of the male hormone androgen, which signals sebaceous oil glands to secrete more sebum. As this excess oil builds up, acne is more likely to develop.
Working Out and Acne:
Regular exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle, and does have some positive benefits for skin health. As it lowers stress, you’ll lower your chance of cortisol-caused breakouts. Regular exercise boosts circulation and promotes the production of sweat, designed to help the body rid the body of impurities and toxins.
Unfortunately, sometimes our workout routines can have a negative effect on our skin and be a cause of acne. One of the top perpetrators of gym-related skin conditions is dirty workout equipment. Whether it’s a yoga mat, weights, or handle bars on a cardio machine, shared gym equipment is filled with bacteria and dirt. When this comes into the contact with the skin and sits on the surface, it can cause skin irritation. If you don’t shower immediately after working out, the mixture of sweat, body oils, and bacteria can remain heavy on the surface of your skin, settling back into your pores and causing the onset of pimples.
We would love to work with you in determining your specific skincare
needs be it acne or other conditions you would like to address.
We love creating beautiful skin and happy clients!
Call to book today